Friday 16 December 2011

The danger of carelessness in your relationship

Carelessness in your relationship is very dangerous, this is because, carelessness has destroyed some healthy relationships. Carelessness has to do with intentional or unintentional negligence to some important issues in your relationship. There is the need for you and your partner to take into consideration the need to communicate and expressing your minds. This will go a long way to point out what the issues are and avoid carelessness. If your partner says he or she does not like to be treated in a particular way, please, try as much as possible to store that and take care of it by making sure you don’t repeat it any time soon. If your partner does not like to be called some names, please do not call him or her that name. These things may seem normal to you and your friends but your partner does not like them, you have to take care of them. Some people are always careless on these things; they say they are normal and that their partner should understand. Be very careful and do care for your partner’s likes and dis-likes. We humans are never the same, my meat may be your poison. Little things may matter so much in your relationship; be very careful.

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